Tuesday, February 10, 2009

SEWA-meetings schedule


follow the link and select the suitable time for the meeting.We will go by common choice.


  1. SEWA UBC 24 February 2009 Meeting Minutes

    Meeting start time: 6pm
    In attendance: Soubhagya, Arina, Praveen, Sriam, Madhu, Mukesh, Sudip, Shelly

    The subject of the tutoring poster was raised and changes that needed to be made included: the meeting time, clarification on the t-shirt competition, a note about drop-ins and appointments, and removal of the music tutor.

    Mukesh reminded everyone to enter in their availabilities for tutoring using the SEWA blog site.

    Sudip agreed to consider setting up a booth in the SUB room for the tutor day, and everyone should think about bringing textbooks, calculators, pens/pencils, and paper.

    Soubhagya is waiting for someone at the Richmond Temple to contact him.

    Praveen has received the receipts from SEWA International for the $750 sent last year. Shelly asked why we can’t send more money to better the one school instead of having to support two schools. It was discussed that once we learn more information about the school, perhaps we will be able to have more flexibility about the amount of money sent and how it is spent.

    Arina will keep working on contacting someone about the yoga event to be hosted by SEWA UBC at the end of March.

    The possibility of doing a skit/play/performance next Friday (6th March) at the UTSAB event was raised by Arina. It was concluded that there is little time to prepare.

    If anyone sends Mukesh his/her profile online, he can post them on the SEWA UBC website.

    Arina reminded everyone that the changes to the executive members of the club must be put in writing and submitted by March 22. The new treasurer must present a new budget by the end of April for 2010.Soubhagya asked that everyone make an effort to recruit new members.

    Meeting adjourned: 6:35pm

  2. If anyone did not receive the updated tutoring poster please let me know!

  3. Mukesh, I don't know how to start a new post so I'm just commenting on yours. I will be available from 12:30-2 this Thursday for tutoring.
    Thanks! Shelly
